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Sterility Validation Tool

Check the validity of your sterilised product using our form below. Enter your tag number and click Run Report to gather the process data of your product.


Please enter the tag identification code in the format shown above, for example: "M-1234569", "A-H4D80FFL" etc.


+ I have experienced contamination within my product, what can I do?

Please visit our Damage Claim Form to report the issue and our team will help you.

+ How long can I keep my sterilised product before use?

We advise people to use sterilised grain, substrate or kits within 30 days for optimal results, but certainly within a couple of months. We offer a sterility guarantee for 30-days on all of our sterilised products.

We’ve had bags last for 2 years and have still been perfect for use, however, due to the nature of the bag having a filter, eventually, all bags will contaminate as no filter can ever be 100% effective at blocking contamination from entering.

+ What's the best way of storing sterilised products before use?

Items are best left untouched in the box they were shipped in, and are best stored at room temperature (17-22 degrees) in a room which doesn’t fluctuate much in temperature as this can otherwise cause excessive condensation to form inside the bag which isn’t ideal.

Please do not store in the fridge, as this will also cause excessive condensation to form.

+ How do you process your grain, substrate and kits?

We process all of our bags in our industrial autoclaves in batches of approximately 100-200 (depending on the size of the products being autoclaved).

+ How long are products sterilised for?

This greatly depends on what exactly we are sterilising, some products will be in for an extended 3-hour cycle, other smaller products, or liquid products will be sterilised for a much shorter time. The sterility report will show exactly what times items have been processed for.

+ How does the sterilisation cycle work?

We use an industrial high-pressure saturated steam steriliser to heat products up to approximately 123°C for an extended time in order to fully sterilise products, killing all contaminants, spores, and living organisms so the contents are ready to receive your clean mushroom culture

+ I've found a sterilisation indicator strip in my order, what is this?

This sterilisation indicator strip provides a visual indication that the sterilisation cycle has been fully complete. We put these in with each batch for our customer’s reassurance that they have received a sterile product.

+ Where can I find more FAQ's and information about my product?

If you navigate to our product pages, you’ll be able to find more specific FAQ’s relating to your product. Also included, where available, are instructional guides.

Should you have any further queries, please contact us.

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